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ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 1: Be Specific
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ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 1: Be Specific

ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 2: Step into your desired feeling NOW
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ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 2: Step into your desired feeling NOW

ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 2 Exercise: Guided meditation
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ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 2 Exercise: Guided meditation

ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 3: Powerful Affirmation Technique
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ATTRACT MR. RIGHT IN 7 DAYS - Day 3: Powerful Affirmation Technique


After having gone on over 70 online dates in New York City without any tangible success in form of a sexy hunk, German actress Paulina decides to try a new strategy. Inspired by her German acting & life-coaching friend Clarissa, expert in manifesting all sort of things into her life, Paulina asks Clarissa for help.


Throughout 7 days Clarissa shares her manifestation tools as well as her spiritual experiments with Paulina to help her attract Mr. Right into her life. Paulina, sceptical of spiritual practices, courageously dives into all the exercises on camera and goes on 4 Online Dates within 7 days (off camera) to test them in real life. The results are mind-blowing.

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